Adobe Photoshop CS Free Download
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Adobe Photoshop is an image editing program for pixel graphics of the US software company Adobe Systems . In the field of image processing and pre-press , the program is a world leader and dominant. Photoshop is part of the Adobe Creative Suite , a collection of graphics and design programs, and like most other applications from Adobe for the operating systems Mac OS and Microsoft Windows available.
- Camera RAW 2.x support
- Heavily modified Slice function
- Shadow and glow functions
- "Lens Blur" -Effektfilter
- Filter Gallery
- Smart Guides
- Real-time histogram
- CDS module (Counterfeit Deterrence System) - this system tries to recognize scanned paper to printing to prevent
- Macrovision copy protection based on SafeCast - DRM technology
- Scripting support for JavaScript and other programming
- Hierarchical Layer groups
- Layer Comps
- New file format PSB introduced (Photoshop Big)
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