Viber For PC Windows Free Download

Viber For PC Windows Free Download DOWNLOAD

Viber is an application for GNU / Linux , Windows , Mac OS X , iOS , Android , Windows Phone , Blackberry , Nokia , Bada and Firefox that allows users to make free phone calls and send free text messages to anyone who has the installed application. Viber it works in networks 3G and WiFi .

Some media have warned about the risks one in using Viber due to disrespect of the right to privacy of its users because, for example, Viber stores information about the user’s contacts. You may however request Viber removal of such information, although the actual removal of personal data is clearly a willingness of the company and no way for the user to check. Viber platform currently has a database of 200 million active users, according to statements by four of its founder Talmon Marco.

Viber initially was released on December 2, 2010 exclusively for the platform iOS the iPhone as direct competition from Skype , then in 2011 a pre-launch was held for the platform Android but with a number of users restricted to 50,000, the version without restrictions was launched on July 19, 2012. The version of Viber for BlackBerry , iOS and Windows Phone was launched on 8 May 2012.

When 90 million users were reached, the July 24, 2012, message service groups and HD voice for Android and iPhone are added. Versions for platforms Series 40 Nokia Symbian and Bada Samsung were announced the same day.

Initially, the possibility to make voice calls were available only to iPhone and Android, promising it would soon be available for other platforms. The limitation was founded on the basis of Blackberry OS and Series 40 did not support the functionality of VoIP .

Features of Viber ( Free Calling App):
The main functions of Viber service calls and free text messaging between users Viber are. It also has a video call service but the service is currently in a beta phase and has other features like file sharing such as images and audio files. When you add contacts, Viber platform is done automatically, so if you have a contact stored in the phone using Viber, he added.

Install Viber for WINDOWS : 
Go to the STORE and then search for VIBER , and you will be returned with the application , Click on the app and install the app and start free calling your buddies on the application

Something About Me……..My Name was chosen as Muntazir Ali by my Parents when I was born on 10th March 2000 in the Northern Areas of Pakistan called “Skardu”, I’m currently 14 years old in the papers but I guess I’m something 16 in REAL 😃

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