Peachtree Accounting 2010 Highly Compressed Free Download

Peachtree Accounting 2010 Highly Compressed Free Download DOWNLOAD

Peachtree Complete Accounting 2010 combines robust core accounting with features like job costing, time and billing, in-depth inventory.

Peachtree Complete Accounting 2010 provides 125 plus customizable business reports and financial statements.With this you can get your numbers right with Peachtree, Accurate Accounting Essentials, and Smart Start-up and Right Product.

Business analytics offer a great new feature that lets you view current financial trends and compare how your company is performing against others by weighing total revenue, gross margin and more. The tool can potentially provide you with key data to assist in your decision making.

A new transaction history lets you see just about everything that’s related to a particular customer or vendor at any point in the sales or purchase process, even letting you view forward from a quote to a receipt or backward from a payment to a purchase order. The convenient Customer Management Center compiles and displays client information in a single place and lets you look up customers by any shard of contact information and filter the results by date.

An intuitive, customizable dashboard displays key customer information such as invoices, converted and unconverted quotes, receipts, time tickets, aged balances, items sold and more.  And you can drill down and view underlying data as well as export customer information to Excel for further analysis. A new “Item Sales History by Customer” report helps you analyze what customers are buying.

You can now store an unlimited number of contacts per company and a handy new Contacts tab tracks details on multiple contacts within a company. There’s also a new field for recording notes to track unique information about each contact. Peachtree now lets you open multiple companies at the same time and toggle back and forth between them ‑‑ a great feature for larger organizations.

This Peachtree upgrade accommodates additional employee data that includes: emergency contact information, performance reviews, hiring dates and more. You can also set alerts to remind you of key events such as reviews.

Password security has been improved with customizable options that include automatic password expiration and lock-outs after multiple incorrect password attempts. It’s easier now for people to change passwords without bothering IT. There’s also a convenient new backup feature that lets you create a schedule and automatically backup data. And Peachtree doesn’t even need to be running to accomplish this.

Something About Me……..My Name was chosen as Muntazir Ali by my Parents when I was born on 10th March 2000 in the Northern Areas of Pakistan called “Skardu”, I’m currently 14 years old in the papers but I guess I’m something 16 in REAL 😃

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