3D Pool Billiards and Snooker PC Game 450mb Free Download

3D Pool Billiards and Snooker PC Game 450mb  Free Download   DOWNLOAD

 Description :

With 3D Billiards you can enjoy the ultimate billiards and pool experience in the comfort of your own home Step up to the virtual table and show what you can do with a cue In addition to the pool hall classic eight-ball, you can also play nine-ball, ten-ball and even snooker Whether alone against the computer or in a duel against a real player on the same computer, youll send balls careening across the table in four selectable, highly-detailed rooms as you work your way up the local high score list. In 3D Billiards you can choose from ten attractive avatarsfive male and five femaleas you duel against computer opponents of varying difficulty levels.Featuring an engaging pool-playing soundtrack, billiards enthusiasts will also be delighted by the authentic sound effects, like the clack of the balls, collisions, breaks and the characteristic way the balls roll across the table. Take aim, put a bit of finesse on your shot and play like a real proonly with 3D Billiards.

Minimum System Requirements

Operating System Windows 8, Windows 7 and Vista
Processor 2.0 GHz Dual-Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2)
Video card RAM 256MB
## Installation : 
1. Mount with Daemon Tools or burn iso.
2. Install the game!
3. Play!

Something About Me……..My Name was chosen as Muntazir Ali by my Parents when I was born on 10th March 2000 in the Northern Areas of Pakistan called “Skardu”, I’m currently 14 years old in the papers but I guess I’m something 16 in REAL 😃

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