Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google. It used the WebKit layout engine until version 27 and, with the exception of its iOS releases, from version 28 and beyond uses the WebKit fork Blink.[13][14][15] It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on September 2, 2008, and as a stable public release on December 11, 2008.

As of January 2015, StatCounter estimates that Google Chrome has a 51% worldwide usage share of web browsers as a desktop browser.It is also the most popular browser for smartphones. Its success has led to Google expanding the 'Chrome' brand name on various other products such as the Chromecast.

Google releases the majority of Chrome's source code as an open-source project Chromium.A notable component that is not open source is their version of the built-in Adobe Flash Player, called Pepper Flash Player.

Google Chrome features a minimalistic user interface, with its user-interface principles later being implemented into other browsers. For example, the merging of the address bar and search bar into the omnibox.Chrome also has a reputation for strong browser performance.

Bookmarks and settings synchronization:
Chrome allows users to synchronize their bookmarks, history, and settings across all devices with the browser installed by sending and receiving data through a chosen Google Account, which in turn updates all signed-in instances of Chrome. This can be authenticated either through Google credentials, or a sync passphrase.

Web standards support:
The results of the Acid3 test on Google Chrome 4.0
The first release of Google Chrome passed both the Acid1 and Acid2 tests. Beginning with version 4.0, Chrome has passed all aspects of the Acid3 test.

As of May 2011, Chrome has very good support for JavaScript/ECMAScript according to Ecma International's ECMAScript standards conformance Test 262(version ES5.1 of 2012-05-18). This test reports as the final score the number of tests a browser failed; hence lower scores are better. In this test, Chrome version 37 scored 10 failed/11578 passed. For comparison, Firefox 19 scored 193 failed/11752 passed and Internet Explorer 9 has a score of 600+ failed, while Internet Explorer 10 has a score of 7 failed.

See also: Browser security
Chrome periodically retrieves updates of two blacklists (one for phishing and one for malware), and warns users when they attempt to visit a site flagged as potentially harmful. This service is also made available for use by others via a free public API called "Google Safe Browsing API".

Chrome uses a process-allocation model to sandbox tabs.Using the principle of least privilege, each tab process cannot interact with critical memory functions (e.g. OS memory, user files) or other tab processes — similar to Microsoft's "Protected Mode" used by Internet Explorer 9 or greater. The Sandbox Team is said to have "taken this existing process boundary and made it into a jail." This enforces a computer security model whereby there are two levels of multilevel security (user and sandbox) and the sandbox can only respond to communication requests initiated by the user.On Linux sandboxing uses the seccomp mode.

Security vulnerabilities:
See also: Comparison of web browsers § Security and vulnerabilities
No security vulnerabilities in Chrome were exploited in the three years of Pwn2Own from 2009–2011.

At Pwn2Own 2012, Chrome was defeated by a French team who used zero day exploits in the version of Flash shipped with Chrome to take complete control of a fully patched 64-bit Windows 7 PC using a booby-trapped website that overcame Chrome's sandboxing.

Malware blocking:
Google introduced download scanning protection in Chrome 17.


  • Chrome supports plug-ins with the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI), so that plug-ins (for example Adobe Flash Player) run as unrestricted separate processes outside the browser and cannot be sandboxed as tabs are. ActiveX is not supported.Since 2010 Adobe Flash has been integral to Chrome and does not need be installed separately. Flash is kept up to date as part of Chrome's own updates.Java applet support is available in Chrome with Java 6 update 12 and above.Support for Java under OS X was provided by a Java Update released on May 18, 2010.
  • On August 12, 2009, Google introduced a replacement for NPAPI that is more portable and more secure[ called Pepper Plugin API (PPAPI).The default bundled PPAPI Flash Player (or Pepper-based Flash Player) was available on Chrome OS first, then replaced the NPAPI Flash Player on Linux from Chrome version 20, on Windows from version 21 (which also reduced Flash crashes by 20%),and eventually came to OS X at version 23.
  • On September 23, 2013, Google announced that it will be deprecating and then removing NPAPI support. NPAPI support was removed from Linux in Chrome release 35.[84] NPAPI plugins like Java can no longer work in Chrome (but there are workarounds for Flash by using PPAPI Flash Player on Linux including for Chromium).
  • On April 14, 2015, Google released Chrome v42, disabling the NPAPI by default. This makes plugins that do not have a PPAPI plugin counterpart incompatible with Chrome, such as Java, Silverlight and Unity. However, NPAPI support can be enabled through the chrome://flags menu, until the release of version 45 in September 2015, which will have NPAPI support removed entirely.

Something About Me……..My Name was chosen as Muntazir Ali by my Parents when I was born on 10th March 2000 in the Northern Areas of Pakistan called “Skardu”, I’m currently 14 years old in the papers but I guess I’m something 16 in REAL 😃

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